Get your team to run 90% of the day to day for you, in as little as 90 days.

A high performing team can transform your entire business.

Transform Your Team Today

Book Your Team Turnaround Call

Let me fast track it for you.

You hired a team for more freedom and flexibility but that's probably not how it feels.

+ Living a nightmare instead of the dream?

+ Wish your team would just do what you want them to?

+ Breaking your back to make payroll?

+ Tired of answering the same questions over and over?

+ Not saying yes to what matters most . . . and feeling guilty?

+ Business running you instead of you running it?

+Laptop dread and overwhelm?

+ Too many 'Mommy has to work right now' moments?


How many of these can you relate to?

Allow me to introduce you to you, 90 days from now.

Gimme my a team!

Things are about to get soooo much easier.

And newsflash - your team doesn't need to be bigger and you don't need to make more money for this to apply to you.

You do the work you love.

Time off and vacays are you new norm.

You don't have team members 'who aren't working out'.

Your team runs the day to day better than you.

You don't spend all your time answering questions, reviewing or redoing work.

Your team holds themselves accountable to results, not hours worked.

You trust work is getting done and on deadline.

Your team thrives without you.

You and your team achieve more in less time.

No more 'Mommy has to work right now' moments.

You look forward to team meetings and 1:1s.

You hire for results, not overhead.


Gimme my a team!

Gimme my a team!

Gimme my a team!

Gimme my A-team!

Gimme my a team!

Cross "Managing" Off Your To-Do List.

Gain Control Of Your Schedule.

Get a Return On Payroll Investment.

Set up a results driven work environment - without micromanaging the hell out of everyone.

Actually have a team who runs your business better than you.

Get off the 'working your ass off to make payroll' hamster wheel.

I'm talking more done and more results in every area of your business.  

The Right Sized Team:  For a ten times more effective team.  Don't be surprised if your goldilocks sized team is smaller, not bigger.  

Here's how I'm different from the rest:

Doing The Right Work:  You'll work less but more will get done because you have the right people in the right jobs doing the right things.
In The Right Way:  This is what the Time Triad is all about.  This simple tweak can create 30% more efficiency and productivity. 
Yes, this is science.  But I've distilled it all down so you can accomplish it in 90 days, in the easiest way possible.

Book a call and we'll chat about the fastest way to turn around your particular team, especially if you have a unique situation.
I bring a weird, nerdy science girl unique combination to the table where I blend neuroscience, psychology and behavior economics of human performance to create teams that rock.

Together we'll get you:

Book Your Team Turnaround Call

Introducing . . .

The TEAM90 Method 

The foundation that allows you to do the work you love while your team takes care of the rest.

High Performance 1:1's Guide

Customized AI  Workflow Generator

High performing people need autonomy AND feedback.  Learn how to do 1:1's with motivation and coaching, instead of managing.

Workflows are more than efficiency tools.   Set them up to get more of the behavior you want and eliminate what you don't want.

Team Health Scorecard

Body Time Chronotype Analysis

Clock Time Simplified Guide

 I can create a personalized TEAM90 plan for your fastest path to a kick ass team.

Elevate productivity with ONE simple tweak in schedules, based on individual body clocks.

Set your team up for success by simplifying their decision making processes.

You'll confidently walk away with everything you need to build and lead your dream team.


Gimme my a team!

Motivation Boosting Tools

Strategies To Gamify Performance

Dopamine Boosting Tools

4 simple motivational tools will create a 30% improvement in efficiency and productivity.

Work can be fun.  Learn a simple science based strategy to boost performance like magic.

Learn how to leverage the 'dopamine effect' for enhanced team output and results.

Reduce Overwhelm Cheatsheet.

An overwhelmed brain is an unproductive one.  Learn how to eliminate this from your culture for good.

Gimme my a-team!

This is a program that overdelivers. 
But wait. You still get more!

Bonus 1:  Performance Scorecard Templates:

($1,000 value)

I created these simple to use scorecard templates that give you and them incredible clarity on "what a good job actually is" so you both know how you're doing.

Think of it as a personalized employee performance bible.

You'll get:

  • Example scorecards you can copy.

  • Easily customized templates.

  • AI tools to create scorecard content in less than a minute.

  • Results driven job description template.

No more confusion for you or them on 'what it takes to be successful' or when it's time to let them go.

($1000 value)

Your team wants to do a good job.  You want them to do a good job.  This is HOW it happens.

All you need to do is hand them this plug and play training (that my high ticket 1:1 clients use in their team onboarding).  

This done for you team training includes:

  • Comprehensive Training Modules: Equip your team with skills in time management, productivity hacks, and effective communication.

  • Boost Efficiency:  Step by step guidance for you team to implement streamlined processes and systems that turn time-consuming tasks into efficient routines.

  • Achieve More In Less Time:   Maximize productivity and quickly elevate your team through the stages of performance.

Over the next 90 days, as we elevate you, this elevates your team.  And you won't have to lift a finger to make it happen.

Bonus 2:  10-Hour Week Team Training

($5,000 value)

Your team is only as good as their training.  But the rub is if you knew how to train them, they would already be high performing.

So, let me do it for you.

"The work I did with Neill transformed my entire life, my business and my way of thinking."

"I recognized that she had the tools that I needed to help me get out of this cycle of never having enough time."

"I really do believe that I now have the key to achieving whatever the heck I want."

The TEAM90 Method. . . 

Got Q's?  Let's Hop On A Call

Enroll in TEAM90 Now

For a team who thrives without you, so you can do only the parts you love.


2 payments

 You're just 90 days away from your kick ass team.



1 payment

You're just 90 days away from your kick ass team.



1 payment

 The white glove, VIP level. I'll act as Fractional COO for 90 days, training & coaching your team for you.


No icky micromanaging- guaranteed.


This method is based on the science of human performance, not anec-data - 'it worked for me so it should work for you and if it doesn't, it's your fault'.

I give you ways to easily know which team members are scalable and which ones it's time to wrap up your work with.

Don't worry.  You won't have to be the bad guy and fire everyone.  If there are people you want to let go, we'll do it in a gentle way where both you and they feel taken care of.  

Team Changes Without Tears:

High performing teams are motivated, not managed so you can finally cross ‘manage team’ off your to dos.

90 Days:

No Management Experience Required:

This program was designed to help you get your life and sanity back, quickly.

Q:  Does this include training for my team?

So… Any Questions? 

A: I have you covered.

Your team is only as good as their training.  TEAM90 includes a Done-For-You training that you simply hand to your team so you don't have to spend more time telling them 'how' to do it.  

This plug and play training is the one that my high ticket 1:1 clients have used for years in their onboarding process.

Q: I'm overwhelmed when I think about hiring more people and I really don't like to fire people. Do you help me with both of these?

A:  Ultimately the decision is yours. 

On our 1:1 call, I will hand you the plan for the right sized team, doing the right work at the right time.  I'll share ways of bringing on the right number of people and putting the right person in the right spot on the bus. And if you do have to let somebody go, I have a very gentle process so that you feel great about your decision and they feel cared for. 

Q: How do I know TEAM90 will work for me?

A: If you have a specific question or you want to talk through your unique scenario, I'd be happy to talk you through it so that you just have the information.

Email us at with your questions or book a call and we'll chat about it.

Q: What level of support will I have?

A:  Get your questions answered each week with our Q&A calls.  

Plus, you can snag a hot seat to get the direct coaching you need to implement your TEAM90 plan.

In addition, you will have access to the pre-recorded content, worksheets, workbooks and cheatsheets to make it easier to transform your team.

Together, let's transform your team so you don't have any more 'Mommy has to work' moments.

I kept kicking the can of my health down the road in service of my business.  Until the road dead ended in a cliff and almost took my health and business with it.

I don't want that for you.  For someone like me with autoimmune diseases and unpredictable daily health, having a team who can run my business for me was the only answer.

Your situation might be different.  But here's what I do know:  


You're good at what you do.  But that doesn't automatically translate to having a kick ass team.

The work you do matters too much to risk placing the sustainability of your business on your shoulders alone.

Don't sacrifice your impact, your family, your sanity, your time, your health, and all the money you're spending on payroll for something that's not creating the life you want for yourself and your family.

Enroll in TEAM90 today.

I just need to tell you that you are a genius. I am getting better and the schedule we made is working really well. My sleep isn’t perfect and there are still painful days but I am getting stronger and still getting work done. Thank you!! I may just keep this schedule full time as the working out earlier seems to work well. 

christine reeve (she/her)

The TEAM90 Method. . . 

Hire Me as Fractional COO

Enroll in TEAM90 Now

Create the team who thrives without micromanaging, while you get to do the parts you love.


2 payments

 You're just 90 days away from your kick ass team.



1 payment

 You're just 90 days away from your kick ass team.



1 payment

The white glove, VIP level. I'll act as Fractional COO, training & coaching your team for you for 90 days.
