get your 6 figure niche in 15 minutes

Want to fast track your coaching business?

choose the right niche so you can.

+ be successful working 10 hours a week.

+ build your business the easy and fast way.

+ create a $$ making offer.

+ be in control of how much $$ YOu Make.

+ know how to get more clients when you want to.

YEs! i want my 6 figure niche

Does your Niche Drama sound like this?

+ It’s not going to work.

+ I might not like it.

+ I will waste my time and money if i choose the wrong one.

+ Too many people are already doing this niche.

+ It’s going to take too long to get it working.

+ I don’t know what the right one is for me.

I get it. I used to think this too.

But when you know how to choose the right niche, you will love it and feel so excited that it won’t even occur to you to change it.

YES! I WAnt my 6 Figure Niche!

still unsure if this call
is for you?

+ has the words: transformation, awareness, inner peace, living the life of your dreams or any other flowery coachy words.

+ is people who don’t have money.

+ is people who have $$ but don't want to pay $$ to solve the problem or achieve the dream.
+ focuses on the coaching package you offer - how long it is and how many sessions the client gets.

if your niche:

a niche strategy call is for you.

if your niche looks like this:

+ i help women find their purpose.

+ i help women live the life of their dreams.

+ i help people gain awareness to achieve their goals.

+ i help people transform their relationship with their bodies, food. , .etc.

+ i help people be more mindful, happier, and successful.

Yes!  I want my 6 figure niche will be very hard to make $$ and it will take you a lot of time.


this is the easy button to building a coaching business working 10 hours a week.

only 5 spots available. grab yours today.

(this is not a call where i just ask you questions. you will get 6 figure niche options - guaranteed.) 

Yes! i want my 6 figure niche