I totally bought into the idea that I should work more to get more done and that my reward for all of this time and effort would be success - climbing the corporate ladder, partnership, money, prestige. So I worked tons of overtime hours - more than anyone else in the firm when I was a corporate girl.
And I was miserable. I was missing out on time with my son, I was compensating for my stress, overwhelm and misery with food, wine, Netflix and obsessive running (to the point I actually broke both of my legs - yes this is crazy, I know). I wanted to scale back my workweek desperately but everyone told me that if I did I would have to give up on my dreams of success and would make less money.
I finally called BS on what these so called “logical” people were telling me and decided I would be different. True success couldn’t be at the expense of myself or my life.
Then I had the epiphany that changed everything. I realized that it wasn’t the hours that mattered but what I accomplished in my time that was valuable. From this one shift in mindset, I scaled back my workweek to 30 hours and got the same amount done as other people in my same position.
I decided if I could make this work in the corporate world with all of its rules then I could totally do it in my own biz. So I applied this idea to my own side hustle. And I quickly built it to a multiple six figure biz in two years working about 25 hours a week.